If you have nail fungus try this natural remedy: it disappears quickly

However, there are other risk factors that can increase the likelihood of getting a fungal nail infection. For example, chronic illnesses such as diabetes, which can compromise nail health and increase susceptibility to infections.

Trauma to the nail, such as an injury or fracture, which can damage the surface of the nail and create an entry point for fungus. A weakened immune system, for example due to illness or immunosuppressive medications, can make the body less able to fight infections.

Unhealthy habits such as smoking or an unbalanced diet can compromise the overall health of the body and skin. In addition, certain daily habits can increase the risk of developing nail fungus:

wear tight-fitting shoes or shoes with narrow toes;
not washing your feet regularly;
dry your feet or hands well after a shower or bath;
cut nails irregularly;
not clean them properly.
Don’t change your socks every day or wear synthetic socks that don’t allow your skin to breathe. Finally, it is important to note that nail fungus can be very contagious. Therefore, it is essential to take necessary precautions to prevent the spread of infection, such as avoiding sharing towels or socks, not walking barefoot in public places, and using foot products containing antifungal ingredients. .

Make them disappear instantly with this method
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