The Ingenious Reason Why Experienced Housewives Cut Paper Towels in Half: A Handy Household Trick

The Ingenious Reason Why Experienced Housewives Cut Paper Towels in Half: A Handy Household Trick

In the kitchen, various tools and accessories are used to make cleaning easier and more efficient. Eco-friendly cleaning enthusiasts will appreciate this tip involving disposable paper towels to solve many household issues and make chores easier. You don’t need fancy solutions or chemical-laden products to polish various surfaces around the house. Learn how to create your own wet wipes from paper towels, suitable for most surfaces.

Creating Wet Wipes from Paper Towels:

Cleaning wipes are convenient for large areas but can be expensive and often contain environmentally harmful chemicals. An eco-friendly and economical alternative is homemade cleaning wipes! You can choose natural ingredients to your liking and use them for disinfecting surfaces like the kitchen, bathroom, or even glass surfaces. Say goodbye to chemicals and embrace natural, eco-friendly ingredients easily available at home.

What You Need:

1 roll of kitchen paper towels
300ml water
1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide
1 tablespoon of dish soap
20 drops of your choice of essential oil
How to Make Them:

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
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